another very chilly day in the studio, and being quiet i spent it huddled up at my desk in the office working on afew sketches next to the electric heater, sipping endless cups of peppermint tea. i have now near completed the book and tea related sketch for cheerleader bethie, pat on the back for me. i was really keen to work from referance for bethies sketch to get the perspective right, and finding little on the internet kane and i devised an improptu photoshoot in our office. which really meant kane and i trying desperately to balance my moleskin diary, a batman dvd and a birds reference book on my head in front of the laptop camera. this went surprisingly well, adding the teacup on the top of the stack was a little more challenging but no bunnykins tea related items were hurt in the making of this sketch.
beth came in to get her delightful bird, flower, envelope, heart tattoo finished from the also delightful kane berry, and so i got to show her the sketch today. i am very pleased to report that she loves it and we will be starting (and hopefully finishing) the tattoo in afew weeks time.
during beths visit the studio had another visitor, our resident cookie lady! this wonderful woman drops by sporadically with a basket full of edible treats, namely, you guessed it, cookies! (but also lollies and chocolates some other less important items). the first time she came i found it almost odd and it had the childhood "stranger danger, dont take candy from strangers" ringing in my head. i now have it on good authority that shes not a psychopath and the cookies are safe. not to matter as this is now the second time ive met her, making her no longer a stranger, and me longer in danger. sound logic.
lucky for me, the raisin cookies were scrumptious.
kitty xx
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