Friday, 12 August 2011


today i said goodbye. goodbye to my black hair. ive had black hair for almost 3years now and i finally took the plunge and had my hair stripped. apart from being a tiny bit terrified that my hair would all fall out, i was really excited to have a change. the hairdressers i went to was wonderful, the staff were so nice, each of the chairs were at a different vintage dressing table, they served me honey and lavender tea, and had lovely chilled beats. it took over 4 hours but my hair is now a deep copper orange colour. it just needs some foils to lighten and even out the colour and im set. super excited to have read hair for our trip and for the warmer months.
mick and i finished off the day with an awesome dinner at gasometer with jacinta and matt at possibly the most poorly lit table ive ever tried to eat at. it was dark and fun and full of laughs and the food was awesome.
another lovely day off.