I just seem to be getting further and further behind in my blogging. Life just seems to be getting busier by the day, there is just so much going on in my little world. I wouldn't even know how to blog about everything thats been happening lately, but I will share a little about my recent trip to Sydney.
So this year was the 4th annual Sydney tattoo & Body Art Expo. I think I mentioned in an earlier blog that I originally wasn't going to be able to make it but thanks to my superhero boyfriend that situation soon changed around and we were both on a plane to Sydney before we knew it.
Done at the convention.
I always feel that no matter how much preparation I put into an event something will always find a way to come undone. So when orders for business cards went awry although I wasn't completely surprised I did completely loose my cool and turn into a blithering mess of a girl. Thank goodness for this damsel in distress my boyfriend is an aforementioned superhero and saved the day yet again. |
Done at the convention.
The rest of the week and the convention itself went swimmingly and I had such an amazing time catching up with old friends and making new ones and got to do some fun tattoos on some fun people to boot. Hands down my best convention experience to far and I can't wait until the Rites of Passage convention in April to do it all over again, but with a home ground advantage, which will be so lovely. If you would like to get tattooed at the Rites of Passage Convention or any other time you can email me at info@kittydearest.com.
Hope you all having a splendid week so far and are enjoying the start to your Autumn, Kitty xx |
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