It is a huge dream of mine to have a home garden full of edible produce. I have spent many an hour day dream of thriving raised garden beds, bountiful fruit trees and trellises jam packed with peans and beans.
The problem with this dream is that I am practically a black thumb. I have never had any luck with plants not even cacti, so I decided to start small with my edible garden. For a few moths now I have been growing (very successfully I might add) my own potted herbs, HAZAAR! After the herbs were growing well I added a few heirloom tomato plants and set them up in a wine barrel.
Today I am SUPER excited to announce that my tomato plants have had little tomato babies that I had the pleasure of harvesting this morning. It was only 2 ripe tomatoes as I have had some troubles with evil caterpillars that seem determined to stand in the way of me growing organically. But none the less here they are and I am proud as punch!
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TA DA! |
I tasted the little beauties and they were so sweet and delicious I couldn't wipe the smile off my face. After tasting them, I made them into one of my super easy go to raw lunches that I though I would share…
raw. vegan.
raw. vegan.
for the zoodles & coodles
1/2 a zucchini
1x purple carrot
1x orange carrot
Either use a spiraliser (which I don't have) or peeler to make "noodles"
for the rawce
2-3 tomatos (I used 2 additional cherry truss tomatoes because they're so little)
1 TBS tahini
fresh herbs of your choice (I used basil, rosemary & sage from my garden)
pink salt and pepper to taste
Quarter your tomatoes and place all ingredients into your food processor or blender.
Mix until desired consistency (I like mine a bit chunky like a salsa)
Put the zoodles and coodles in a bowl and top with the race, and thats it!
I will be adding a bunch of my favourite raw recipes this year, I hope you'll try them at home and I hope you will enjoy not only the way they taste but also the way they make you feel.
Kitty xx
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