written on the 8th of september
today is our last day here in california, the days have all been around 100 degrees and the nights have been beautifully balmy.
day 1 - upon arriving we picked up our hire car but were too early to check into our hotel on sunset strip, so we dropped our bags and went immediately to disneyland in anaheim. we got park hopper tickets for both disneyland and califoria adventure and spent 7 hours of joy there until we had to leave to make a show at the house of blues.
park hopper tickets
let the memories begin |
outside the disney castle,
just before my camera battery died.
disneyland has got to be one of my new favourite places on earth. the whole park is like being in a cartoon, it was completely magic and i cant wait to go back, there is still so much to see and do. my favourite rides we went on were splash mountain, the indiana jones ride and the spinning tea cups. back on sunset strip we finished up our first night at the house of blues watching steel panther before we collapsed at the hotel. |
day 2 - mick and i ended up back in anahiem to have dinner with the adam everett who makes fusion ink (seriously awesome ink). i had never met adam before and was almost taken aback by how friendly and open he was and together the three of us devoured a feast at bubba gump shrimp. so, hush puppies, i have no idea what they are but theyre completely delicious, and a also got a free souvenir cup, hello new pen holder. day 3 – mick worked at md tattoos out in the valley so i got to hangout with the lovely kaitlyn crane, who i discovered has some of the same strange quirks that i do. i also had the pleasure of meeting some of the characters from the shop who we will be seeing again in massachusetts. near md tattoos there is the most amazing frozen yogurt place called nummy nums which everyone in the shop enjoyed for lunch. into the evening mick, kaitlyn, jeff and i went out for dinner, but on the way we went through the quaintest farmers market. it smelt like fair food and being almost 9pm, was lit up with flood lights. it was so lovely walking in the dim light in the balmy evening air and tasting all the delicious things the market place had to offer. |
the market place |
organic fresh strawberries &
dried peach, plum and blueberries &
red velvet bundt cake
from the farmers markets
day 4 – mick and i drove out to mega merch where mick gets his tshirts printed. it was really impressive to see the huge printing press and the whole business in motion. tonight we flyout to grants pass in oregan to stay with friends kim and jeff, im so excited to see them and meet their kids. appologies for the long entry, im trying to get up to date kittyxx |
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