Tuesday, 13 September 2011


still not having a laptop i am extremely far behind with my blog, especially as so much has happened. mick and i are officially on the road so we have internet sporadically, but i have been journally on micks laptop and will be posting them as i can. this is the entry from the first leg of our adventures which were spent in separate states. i headed to mount barker and mick lugged it to canberra.
so this week i did my very first guest spot at front yard tattoo in mount barker south australia. my wonderful friend emma picked me up from the airport and the drive gave me nervousness plenty of time to incubate, leaving me a bit nauseous but the time we made it to byrons shop. im a fairly neurotic person and changes in my surroundings and especially my work routine always sends my head spinning. this is something that im working on as i constantly daydream about working all over the world. but lucky for me byron, his wife and his staff are all extremely lovely and people, and most ive known for a good few years now, and made me feel so welcome. a friend of mine from port lincoln was also doing a guest spot when i got there which was a very happy surprise.
working in another shop and especially tattooing other tattooists is extra pressure that helps give me a buzz to work harder and be a better artist. i had such a wonderful time and it was a great first guest spot experience. i got to do a few really fun tattoos that i will post when i get home as they are on different cameras.
being around byron is always inspiring and getting to see emma makes me so happy.  theyre some of my favourite people and im so glad i got to spend some time with them.  aaaaand  there is a delightful vegan cafĂ© afew doors down from frontyard that  i enjoyed almost every day of my stay.
thanks frontyard, hope to see you soon